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About Vlixco Luxury


Updated: Feb 24, 2024

Welcome to Vlixco Luxury a What you see what you got.

the best and legit reps here.

VLIXCO LUXURY, established in 2014. We offer a wide selection of high quality replica clothing, shoes, bags, wallets, watches, and more, shipping worldwide. At VLIXCO, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality replicas on the market. While we cannot guarantee that our products will be 100% identical to authentic versions, we can assure you that they are of the best quality available. In fact, we go above and beyond to carefully compare and conduct quality control checks on all of our products, even if it costs more than average replicas. We can assure you that the product you see is exactly what you will receive.

Please be sure to carefully review the details before making a purchase.we try to find the closest material to original (which cost more than normal material). If the Authentic clothes are using thick cotton material, we will use thick cotton material as well. all embroidered was hand made stitch not machine production, which will definitely cost more expensive.

all the printing on our clothes are a very high quality printing, you will feel an ease when you wear our clothes. cheap material printing will make you feel hot inside of the fact that no air can come through inside the clothes.

For clothing products

We try to find the closest material to original (which cost more than normal material). If the Authentic clothes are using thick cotton material, we will use thick cotton material as well. all embroidered was hand made stitch not machine production, which will definitely cost more expensive.

all the printing on our clothes are a very high quality printing, you will feel an ease when you wear our clothes. cheap material printing will make you feel hot inside of the fact that no air can come through inside the clothes.



VLIXCO LUXURY, established in 2014. We offer a wide selection of high quality clothing, shoes, bags, wallets, watches, and more, shipping worldwide. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality on the market. We can assure you that they are of the best quality available. 


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